Estella>Los Arcos

Another long hot walk. I covered the 13ish miles in about 7 hours. I started the day with wine at Fuente de Vino! It’s a famous spot on the Camino where there is a wine tap next to a water font at Monasterio Irache. I had a communion size portion from the cap of my water bottle. Lots of wheat and grapes with nice shaded groves of holm oak and pine. I had some very interesting conversations today. I talked with Mia, a Spanish teacher from Boston. Emil, a 23 year old Bulgarian who shared stories of growing up in a rough part of the world. I also spoke with Eric a Korean pilgrim who is a tech guy, we talked about the go pro he had mounted to his walking stick. There was a great view from Villamayor de Monjardin. Easily drank 4-5L of water. Arrived in Los Arcos, found a pension and napped for an hour. Walked back into town for dinner. I enjoyed the evening with new friends. Chris and Nancy are from Seattle and celebrating their 30th anniversary on the Camino. Andre is a retired school psychologist from Norway. It’s wonderful to meet kindred spirits on the Camino! We talked about family, travel and the Camino. I felt like I was talking with old friends. Back to the hotel, relaxed on the balcony and watched a Big Bang theory dvd on the iPhone packed for a 18 miler tomorrow!

Mona and my mom are concerned that I’m not eating enough. Actually I’m eating everything I can get my hands on! Here’s the list for today:

bottle cap of wine

2 yogurt

2 apples 


Ham on baguette with cheese

chocolate croissant

Bottle of Gatorade 

Spanish omelet (potato and egg) 

More ham and baguette

Giant!! bowl of mixed paella

2 tins of sardines and baguette 

Chocolate wafer bar


5 thoughts on “Estella>Los Arcos

  1. Ok I take my earlier concern about you not eating enough! I’m glad to hear that you are socializing and meeting people. I LOVE the picture of you dining with your new friends. We will be boarding the plane right now in 2 weeks to come join you… can’t wait! xoxo… Mona

  2. I trust that you are eating enough!! You are good about self-awareness. Keep eating, drinking, and walking.

    Grasshopper: One foot in front of the other. Look up. See the sky. Feel the earth. And your connection to it. Know that you love, that you are loved, and that is why you are here.

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