Austrian Recipes / Food from the trip

Austrian Recipes / Food from the trip
Typical salad served along out route. Lettuce on top covering different vegetable salads. Potato Salad, Slaw, carrot salad, and beets were very common.
Recipe type: Side
Cuisine: Austrian
  • 1 pound small fingerling potatoes, washed
  • 2 sprigs fresh thyme
  • 2½ tablespoons kosher salt
  • 1 small yellow onion, finely chopped
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 cup white wine vinegar
  • ¼ cup canola, safflower, or peanut oil
  • ½ cup chicken broth or vegetable broth
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh parsley leaves or chives
  1. In a large saucepan, combine the potatoes, thyme sprigs, and 2 tablespoons of the salt. Add enough cold water to cover completely. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to maintain a simmer and cook until the potatoes are just tender enough to be pierced easily with a skewer or the tip of a sharp knife, about 10 minutes.
  2. Drain the potatoes. While they are still hot, peel them with a small, sharp knife, protecting your hand from the heat with a folded kitchen towel. As each potato is peeled, cut it crosswise into ¼-inch slices, letting the slices fall into a mixing bowl.
  3. Add to the hot potato slices the onion, remaining salt, sugar, pepper, vinegar, and oil. Stir gently but thoroughly with a large spoon to combine the ingredients.
  4. Before serving, heat the broth in a large saute pan over medium-high heat. Add the potato salad and stir it gently just until the potatoes are thoroughly heated. Garnish with parsley or chives and serve immediately.



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