Category Archives: exercise


621 miles

I completed my goal of running / walking 1 million meters (621 miles) across a year.  I tracked my exercise with a fantastic app called zombies run.  The app tracks your run and interjects a “radio drama” between songs on your playlist – where you are the main character.   It also has a great interval training function where you have to outrun zombies.  I’ve kept my focus on simply logging miles and enjoying the story.   It’s been a great lesson in setting and tracking goals.

The app gives great feedback on your runs.


I’ve always believed in long slow distance training.  Surprisingly a winter of long walks in hiking boots and 10 layers of clothing really kept me in shape, and I quickly ramped up my running miles as soon as the weather became tolerable in running shoes.   I’ll see how I do in the capitol city half marathon.

1 million meter year

Close to a million meter year, I wrote a function to calculate the average miles per week remaining.


function goMiles()
var minutes = 1000*60;
var hours = minutes*60;
var days = hours*24;

//used this to get date into the correct format for
var dd = new Date();
var ddom = dd.getDate();
var dmoy = dd.getMonth() + 1; //add one bc returns 0-11
var dyr = dd.getFullYear();
var ddate = dmoy + “/” + ddom + “/” + dyr;

//var cdate = document.getElementById(‘myDate’).value;  // get manual date input
//var foo_date1 = getDateFromFormat(“02/23/2014”, “M/d/y”); // sample from author
//var foo_date1 = getDateFromFormat(cdate, “M/d/y”); // apply manual input
var foo_date1 = getDateFromFormat(ddate, “M/d/y”); //automatic input of date

var foo_date2 = getDateFromFormat(“04/04/2014”, “M/d/y”);
var cmile = document.getElementById(‘myMiles’).value;
var miles = 621.37 – cmile; //second number for miles
var diff_date = Math.round((foo_date2 – foo_date1)/days);
var dayAve = miles / diff_date;
var weekAve = dayAve * 7;
var rndWeek = Math.round(weekAve);
runMsg.innerHTML=”Average ” + rndWeek + ” miles per week.<br>” +
“You have ” + Math.round(miles) + ” miles to go.<br>” + “You have ” + diff_date + ” days remaining. <br>” +
“Today is ” + ddate;
//alert(“Average ” + rndWeek + ” miles per week to meet the million meter goal” + cdate );

12 miles

Looking forward to backpacking this summer! New boots are fantastic, just starting to feel broken in. I hiked the olentangy trail to the scioto mile, about 12 miles round trip. It got cold when the wind was blowing.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

A Busy Sunday

I started the day early (about 6:30) and worked on Rio for two hours. After that Mona and I went to to Antrum to run with fellow Jack Turtles Wendy, Conchetta, Jeff and Anna. 5.1 miles at a conversation pace felt good. Bill joined us for breakfast at Bob Evans where I indulged in a down home breakfast.