Category Archives: radio

random wire antenna length

I’m working on a new antenna with google sketchup.

thanks for VEEED for this usefull information on random length wire antennas 
Here are the final numbers (in my opinion) in green below that would be good for a long-wire antenna: 
REVISED: 29  35.5  41  58  71  84  107  119  148  203  347  407  423



2013 Dayton Hamvention – Exciting Products

Here are a few of the products that stood out at Hamvention this year.

SoftRock RXTX Ensemble Transceiver Kit – 1 watt SDR transceiver that can be built for one of the following five band groups: 160m, 80m/40m,40m/30m/20m, 30m/20m/17m, or 15m/12m/10m.

Alexloop Walkham – I talked with a ham who was blow away with this antenna, he had it paired with an Electraft KX3.  The antenna has a built in tuner that covers 7 to 30 MHz.

Pixie2 – A $10 QRP Transceiver! Although most of the QRP circuits today have evolved into using superhet receivers, a diversion back to direct conversion is not unusual…since QRP, after all, is a unique part of amateur radio and simplicity is certainly a part of it.  The Pixie 2 is a tiny rig, with a standard two transistor transmitter. It’s a Colpitts oscillator, left running, and a keyed power amplifier. There is no external mixer used to feed the audio amplifier. Instead, the mixing is done at the final amplifier itself with the resulting audio taken off the emitter.

Custom transformers from

Hey! You got your microcontroller in my radio… 

Dress up  your shack with a metal print of your ticket.  $25 shipped from

Columbus Hamfest Treasures / FT-101E

I heard that the Columbus hamfest was fairly small, but what it lacked in size it made up in treasure!

Here’s the list:

1 owner Yaesu FT-101E (late sn) with the factory faceplate plastic still intact. No modifications or alterations! w/ CW filter, manuals on disk, Turner 257 desk mic and original Yaesu hand mic.  WOW.

Motorola Handie-Talkie FM Radiophone

3 pocket watch style volt meters

6 pilot lamps

3 misc parts bags, one full of silver 70s era knobs and linear pot caps.

leather carving tools

There was a great core memory board, unfortunately the $50 price tag was way too much!

Info on the FT-101E

  • 160-10 meters
  • Solid State
  • Adjustable VOX
  • Speech Processor
  • Sealed Solid-state VFO
  • Semi Break-in CW
  • Calibrator 25/100 kHz.
  • Noise Blanker
  • WWV/JJY Receive
  • 6JS6C x 2 Finals

The Yaesu FT-101E is a solid-state (except finals) transceiver covering 160 through 10 meters in USB, LSB, CW and AM modes. The analog display provides 2 kHz accuracy. An eight-pole SSB filter reduces QRM. Input power is a beefy 260 watts PEP on SSB, 180 watts on CW (50% duty cycle) and 80 watts AM (lower on 160 and 10 meters). It operates from 12 VDC 20 amps or 100-234 VAC. There is also an AUX range crystal position for any 500 kHz segment from 14.5-28 MHz.

The 1975 Ft-101E 160-10m band transceiver with RF speech processor was brought out in 3 subtypes: 

early (sn < 15000) with (PB1494) Processor board
mid  (sn 15001-20500) with (PB1534) Processor board 
late (sn >20501) with (PB1534A) processor, (PB1547A) regulator, (PB1183C) IF, (PB1315B) audio and (PB1582) blanker boards.

Great Night on 40m

I added 4 states (Oregon, Wyoming, Arizona, and Maine)  to my log and DXed with a station in Italy! 40 Meter was AWESOME last night!  I tired to get through a pileup to a Bosnian Station with no success.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone